So far, except for sharing an extensive essay on my career history in finance in the very first launch posting, I have yet to stray beyond the daily market summary and articulate further on FastTrack strategy. For the benefit of those of you who are waiting for these occasional essays, I will set them apart by putting the HEADER IN ALL CAPS. Therefore, you will easily be able to identify them simply by scanning the posting list at the right of the blog and looking for the CAPS. I have not yet gotten to the point that I can begin writing about strategy but, when I do, you'll know it.
For today, I am providing the usual Sunday eye-shot from Barry Ritholtz showing the simple one-page bulleted summary of the pros and cons of all the week's events that some of you have expressed is your favorite part of this blog. This weekend, I also have two very cool bonuses.
Bonus #1 is a four minute video by Ritholtz explaining what the Fed is doing and how its actions can be factored into our investment decisions.
Bonus #2 is a very informative short essay explaining what is going on in Greece (which has been in the news often lately as mentioned in the daily summaries) with some interesting forecasts on how it all might turn out.
Enjoy and enjoy the Super Bowl! In this uber-storm we're having today, don't know how many people are going to have to cancel their Super Bowl parties. I see nothing but blankets of white out there right now and, for the first time in living memory, both the concert and theater outing I had planned for today got canceled.
Succinct Summations of Week’s Events 1/30/15
Succinct Summations week ending January 30rd
1. Weekly jobless claims fell 43,000 to 265,000, the lowest since 2000!
2. Apple reported a record breaking quarter as it sold 74.5 million iPhones
3. Personal consumption came in at 4.3% vs 4% expected.
4. Chicago PMI came in at 59.4 vs the 57.5 expected.
5. U of Mich consumer confidence came in at 98.1, a hair below expectations but still strong and up from 93.6 in December.
1. US Q4 real GDP came in at 2.6% annualized vs 3% expected.
2. Durable goods fell 3.4% m/o/m, below expectations and down from the 2.1% decline in November.
3. The S&P 500 had back-to-back down months for the first time since 2012
4. Yields keep falling around here and around the globe; 30 year hits lowest yields ever.
5. Earnings season has not been kind to some of the biggest companies, including Caterpillar, Microsoft and Qualcomm.
6. Dallas fed manufacturing index came in at -4.4 vs 3 expected.
7. Germany, Europe’s largest economy fell 0.3% m/o/m, the first negative print since 2009.
8. The S&P 500 has moved in a range greater than 1% in all but two trading days in January, volatility is back.
9. Pending home sales fell 3.7% m/o/m
by Kiron Sarkar -
February 1st, 2015, 5:00am
There has
been a great deal written about Greece recently. I therefore, somewhat timidly,
add my penny’s worth.
The Syriza Party, through their PM and their finance minister, has rejected the
idea of cooperating with the Troika, the EU, ECB and the IMF. They are
seeking debt forgiveness to meet their election pledges to the Greeks
Right from the start, it must be said that the EuroZone will not
entertain debt forgiveness. Two simple but crucial reasons as to why.
—- Debt forgiveness for Greece will encourage other countries, who
have far larger and unsustainable debt (including Italy and even France), to
seek a similar deal, which at this stage is impossible to accommodate; and
—- Equally importantly, debt forgiveness will encourage and
embolden popular support for right wing fanatics in Northern Europe and left
wing loonies in Southern Europe.
As a result, debt forgiveness will not happen.
The EZ will, however, agree to
—- Lower interest rates on the IMF/ECB/EZ loans to Greece;
—- Agree to an extension of maturities on the outstanding loans;
—- Allow the Greek government to reduce the primary surplus
requirements, in order to provide fiscal stimulus; and
—- in due course, allow debt forgiveness.
In any event, the net present value of debt, which attracts
virtually zero interest rates over say 50 years (both of which, the EZ will
agree to) is considerably lower than the current value of the outstanding debt.
Who has the upper hand. It is clear that the EZ
does. No debate. The risk
of a Greek default/exit is considerably lower than it was 5 years ago. The
outstanding debt is mainly to EZ governments, ECB and the IMF and not to EZ
banks. Furthermore, the introduction of QE in March dispels fears, other than
short term panic by ill informed investors.
At the peak, the Greek Central Bank provided some E124bn of
emergency lending assistance (ELA) to Greek banks, with Target 2 as far as the
rest of the system was concerned, of around E102bn. In December 2014,
there was E56bn in normal financing and just E1bn of ELA.
The IMF cannot take a write off in its loans – it is a
preferential creditor. As a result, the EU and the ECB will have to accept
haircuts on outstanding loans if they agree to debt forgiveness. The ECB wont.
That leaves the EZ countries, who have guaranteed the vast majority of the
outstanding debt to Greece. Politically, the EZ, for the reasons mentioned
above, cannot agree to a debt “haircut” either, certainly not at this
Whilst recovering, the Greek economy in January has started to
flag. Last year, the Bank of Greece reported that the country produced a
primary surplus of +2.0% of GDP – clearly that is going to contract.
Furthermore, a number of Greeks have reverted to their bad old habits and are
not paying taxes in anticipation of relief by Syriza. Greek bank are losing
deposits by the truckload in anticipation of a Grexit. The ECB will not agree
to ELA if the country does not comply with its commitments – that’s the bottom
line and the real killer for Greece. Neither will the ECB include Greek debt in
its QE programme.
OK, what if there is no deal. Well Greek banks will collapse and
the country will be forced to stop those depositors who still have funds in
Greek banks from withdrawing their cash. The Greeks will then revert to the
Drachma, which will be less valuable that soiled toilet paper. Inflation will
skyrocket. Greece will be cut off from international capital markets. The
conclusion will be that Greeks will have to start living in caves. Political
tensions will erupt and the threat of civil disorder/violence will be real,
given the neo-Nazi elements in the country.
happens next and when. Greek
banks and the country need funding in the next week or so. As a
result, this crisis has to be resolved one way or another imminently. No matter
what Syriza states in public, they have to concede that there will not be any
debt forgiveness. That’s the problem of over-promisng – under-delivery
inevitably follows. They could, I suppose agree to a deal, get ECB ELA and then
renege. However, that still busts Greece, as the ECB will not play ball on QE.
Insulting the Germans, which the Syriza party is doing, will
not help – indeed, it will make the German public (whose opinions Mrs Merkel
follows religiously) to force their government to agree to Grexit. It can
happen, even though, in theory, there is no mechanism to kick anyone out of the
I am
clear as to the German/EZ view. What I certainly do not know is how the Syriza
party will react. They comprise academics and theoretical economists – an
explosive mixture. Their problem is their electoral promise to demand and get a
debt haircut. To concede withing a couple of weeks of being elected will bring
down the government, most likely this year. Well, you reap what you sow.
All of this is hugely Euro negative. The Euro, last week, appreciated, though there was some weakness
on Friday. I suspect the Swiss National Bank (SNB) was intervening, as
the Euro appreciated noticeably against the Swiss Franc. However, not even the
SNB can withstand the selling pressure following problems with Greece.
My own view (hope) is that Greece exits the Euro – I for one am
sick and tired of them. Regrettably, the odds are that the Greeks will back off
at the last second. Not much time to wait anyway.
SELL THE EURO, against the US$ though, though it
will recover if there are signs of a deal late next week or the following week. Please note that I am short the Euro against the US$, up to my
maximum limit.
I’m not sure whether this is a Greek comedy or tragedy, but it’s
certainly amateur dramatics time.
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