Defending Vanguard’s Low Fees - The Big Picture
Defending Vanguard’s Low Fees
Vanguard Actually Is Good
at What It Does
The low-cost fund provider has upended the investing world. That’s something to laud, not dismiss.
June 2, 2017, 12:33 PM EDT
The low-cost fund provider has upended the investing world. That’s something to laud, not dismiss.
June 2, 2017, 12:33 PM EDT
Unless we are constantly vigilant, too many
things in print pass without comment and are accepted as true. And so it is with
a weary heart that I am compelled to offer a counterpoint to a recent argument
that takes issue with Vanguard Group Inc.’s business model.
Before we get into the details, a few
disclosures: I am a fan of low-cost investing. The Vanguard Effect has
been called by my Bloomberg Intelligence colleague Eric Balchunas, “A
private-sector wealth-transfer machine has saved average investors $1 trillion.”
I personally own a variety of Vanguard funds, as do my clients. I like Vanguard
a lot.
The company, with about $4 trillion under
management, certainly doesn’t really need me to defend it; its success speaks
volume. However, the article, “Vanguard’s Irritating Perch on the High Moral
Guard,” does raise issues that deserve a response, starting with:
“If being a “nonprofit” is so good in the asset management industry, then why don’t we see it elsewhere?”
Let’s note that Vanguard isn’t a nonprofit — it is mutually owned
by its investors. In a mutual, instead of dividends that come out of
profits, money is returned to investors in the form of reduced costs for
services. It is an extremely tax-efficient arrangement.
You see the mutual structure in lots of places
— primarily insurers, which have used it for centuries, but also in savings and
loan associations, in banking trusts, community banks as well as credit
Let’s consider another statement:
“The U.S. is allegedly a capitalist country, so, you see, this is what grinds people’s gears about the whole movement in low-cost, passive-style index funds and why people go around equating them to communism. Clients may be better served if the financial services industry adopts a nonprofit business model.”
This is perplexing. Vanguard has offered
price-based incentives that financial-services consumers have responded to. What
could be more capitalistic than that?
Continues at: Vanguard Actually Is Good at What It Does
technology and consumer industries have seen continuous price pressure. As those
sectors and products have matured, and as economies of scale have come into
play, prices have fallen. Flat-panel televisions, smartphones, computers,
automobiles and washing machines all deliver far more capability today at lower
costs than just a few years ago.
shouldn’t financial services be subject to the exact same market pressures?
could be more capitalistic than products competing in the marketplace for
customers on quality and price? Quasi-capitalists seem to dislike competition;
to me, complaining about price competition sounds more like communism.
assertions are simply based on a lack of information:
I’d bet that the salaries of key employees (like the manager of the $250 billion flagship Vanguard 500 Index Fund) are actually quite high, relatively speaking.
would might lose that wager. Vanguard is notoriously cheap -- its executives fly
coach. Employees are typically paid less than at other financial firms, on or
off Wall Street. True, its executives are paid well by most measures of
compensation in America, but they are paid
much less than their peers at other
similar financial-services firms that often grant stock options that can be
worth hundreds of millions of dollars in a few years. Incentivizing executives
to focus on short-term stock price is not how Vanguard rolls. According to Bloomberg News, a “key aspect of Vanguard’s executive pay is a
deferred compensation program.” Set up by founder John Bogle in 1983 to keep
management focused on the long-term, it is hard to argue it hasn’t worked.
article also mischaracterizes the demands that Vanguard places on its managers,
downplaying the obvious talents they bring to the job:
An index fund manager doesn’t necessarily have to be smart, but instead must have exceptional attention to detail. It’s a vastly different skill than picking stocks, but a valuable skill nonetheless, one that probably commands a pretty high salary.
from the insult it delivers, the statement is just wrong: Raw intelligence isn’t
the primary characteristic determining how well a fund manager performs. A
growing body of evidence suggests investment success is related to a variety of
factors, intelligence being merely one of them. (And there are numerous types of
intelligence and we don’t really understand the correlation between them and
investment success). Plus, doesn’t anyone who is managing billions of dollars on
behalf of thousands of clients need to have “exceptional attention to detail”?
That’s just a weird complaint to make. A lot of the process of tracking the
index is assisted by software; any competent asset-management business shouldn't
have much of an issue with tracking error.
the article makes light of just what Vanguard has managed to accomplish:
There isn’t anything really unusual about Vanguard. If you’ve ever taken a business strategy course, it’s just a low-cost producer, no different than Wal-Mart in retail or Hyundai in autos or Old Navy in apparel.
may be the most profound error of all. To minimize the revolution that Wal-Mart
Stores Inc. has wrought in retailing is just breathtaking. Who would argue that
millions of American consumers would be better off paying high prices for a
limited selection of goods at the mom-and-pop shops that dominated so much of
the industry before Wal-Mart? And if it were so easy to do, where is the
competition that out-Vanguards Vanguard and takes a big chunk of its market
share? After all, it’s just a low-cost provider, right? The same could be said
of Wal-Mart.
yet, none of that has happened. If you are wondering why, it is because there
are a lot more moving parts to Vanguard -- and Wal-Mart -- than meets the eye of
the casual observer. Providing the lowest cost is more than structure; it is
also about execution, logistics and corporate culture. To make the above
statement requires one to ignore the intensity of the competition, and just how
smart and hardworking the people there are. If anyone could just drop prices and
capture market share, it should have happened already.
last is this odd statement:
What’s irritating about Vanguard is not its corporate strategy, but its occupation of the moral high ground. Vanguard is successful because it offers, or is perceived to offer, a better product at a lower price.
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