There are a ton of financial web sites out there, most of them scams, that are constantly sending me emails with free literature, though it's really generally just a come-on to get you to buy a course, usually a pretty expensive one. But there is the one place called "" which does occasionally send me something interesting. Such was the case today with this free ebook, "The Quickest Way to Make Money in the Markets." It is basically about options, trading forex, and a so-called foolproof way to time the market.
But was it was delivered in html which makes the 40 page 10,000 word document very difficult to read and impossible to share. So I've spent considerable time this evening converting it to a Microsoft Word document so that I can read it ... and share it. I don't know whether anybody's going to find this at all useful, but since I went to all this trouble to make it easier to read, I am sharing it. Anyone takes the trouble to read it, let me know if it was at all useful.
Sat 5-19-18 The Quickest Way to Make Money in the Markets
Thanks, Mike. I only have time to browse but it looks interesting and helpful and I wish I had more time to digest it. For now, I'll have to be content to store it for future reference.