Happy Valentine's Day and Happy President's Day. Since the market is closed tomorrow, I'll wait until then to publish the weekly summation. But in the spirit of Valentine's Day, and since this pandemic, the quarantine, and the social distancing it has required has all put a strain on relationships (and for those who did not have a Significant Other at the start of this thing, how does one get a new relationship started under these conditions?), I thought I'd share a graphic from today's Big Picture blog site showing the percentage of Americans by state who either have or plan to get the vaccine.
Michigan stands at the 65% mark, which is the 2nd highest tier, but it's shocking the number of states whose residents are way down the pike. (Source: Wall Street Journal) We don't get back to normal -- and normal relationships -- until we achieve herd immunity. Is 65% enough to get to that? Or can we just hope that as the rollout continues, the doubters will come around. Let's hope so. I guess the happy irony is that the fear that not enough people would get the vaccine has been wholly supplanted by the massive shortages and difficulty of getting the vaccine for those like me who want it. Happy Valentine's Day!
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